And Then...
Pink Floyd had a song called "Time" with these lyrics:
"And then one day you find ten years have got behind you...."
And THIS, my friend, is where I find myself today in the blogging world! I have been absent for 10 years, more or less...and Oh! what a journey it has been.
I will not lie. From the mountain top... to the pit. In the pit, pulling debris on top op me, repeating past mistakes, using past "fixes" which amounted to nothing but debris which covered me up and weighed me down even further in the pit.
Yes, me...the one who writes of "joy" and "victory" and having the Enemy "under my feet." That one, that Me.
My story isn't important (but I will share if requested). What IS important is that I found myself defining myself by 2 Samuel 1:27 "How the mighty have fallen. And the weapons of war perished!"
Yep....that was me.....
Notice, that above I said "I defined myself." because therein lyes a very important key. How we define ourselves, is how we will live. "Our actions will always reflect what we believe to be true about ourselves, even if what we believe is a lie." (Mark Winslett). I wallowed in a pit because I saw myself as "fallen." I didn't think I knew how to get up again....
But guess what? I know what Father says about me. So many things....I was born again of "incorruptible seed."....I am the righteousness of God in Christ....I am a child of the Most High God....No weapon formed against me will prosper...I have the Holy Spirit living in me and the same power that raised Jesus from the dead! (I can provide scripture for all of this).
I COULD NOT remain in the pit. I was not created for the pit. The DNA that came with the incorruptible seed is comparable to "pit-living."
I climbed out. And friends, I am here to tell you that it was a long, hard climb. It has taken me nearly 10 years to climb out. (Actually 7 years, but it felt like 10!!!)
You know, Joseph found himself in a pit (Genesis 37). His brothers put him there...hmmm...can family put family in a PIT? Oh, absolutely. My family did not put me in my pit, but I dug that pit by putting the cares and difficulties of family "drama" first, instead of...GOD FIRST....
Family matters, physical pain and POOR CHOICES...disobedience....that dug my pit. (well, I dug. my pit, but those things provided the digging tools).'s not the details of my pit that are important.
What is of MAJOR IMPORTANCE is that no matter how deep we find ourselves in a hole, or how far we have fallen, God's arm is not shortened and He always, always, always hears our cries of distress. And no matter how much shame we have reaped upon our heads, or how many times we chose a "Thou shalt not" over the will of Father - He STILL wants to put the ring on our finger and the robe on our shoulders!!!!!
Can you shout that to the heavens? Can you? I can, because my Father extended His hand and I took it and climbed out of the pit!!!
Joy is flooding my soul as I write this because it is my new is how I now define myself....daughter of the King and possessor of the KINGDOM. That is the reality in which I choose to define my life today. And if I believe this to be TRUE (and it is), then my life will reflect what I believe!
Are you in a pit? Darlin' don't stay don't have to live there anymore...
Come back home. Jesus just wants his kids to come home! (borrowed those last words from my "Rabbi" Mark Winslett.
Welcome Home!!