Sunday, June 22, 2014

All the "Bad Stuff" in our lives.....stop giving credit to rule over on.......

Why do we “blame” God for sickness, (“It must be God’s will…”)?
 Why do we give the devil credit for sickness (“It is an attack by Satan”)?

The truth is before us, where we always find truth: The Bible.

Gen 2:16-17 "And the LORD God commanded the man, 'You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.'"

Sickness originated in the Garden, by the choice of man. “You will surely die.” The very first indication of sickness in His Word. Adam and Eve ushered in sickness by buying in to the deception of the enemy (read the story).

Our enemy is NOT a CREATOR. He cannot bring anything into our lives that wasn’t invited there from the disobedience of our very first earthly “father” – Adam.

And this is not about blaming Adam.

This is about – STOP GIVING THE DEVIL CREDIT. Stop building up his portfolio.

As a child of God, we have the power to diminish the “press” that feeds the ego of our enemy.

And it’s not just sickness we give him credit for: We give him credit when we have financial issues. I don’t know about you, but he has NEVER written any checks on my bank account. They are all signed by ME.

We give him credit when the car breaks down. We give him credit when the utility bill is high. We give him credit when we have a wayward child. We give him credit when addiction takes over, or takes out, a life. We give him credit for everything that is unpleasant in our lives.


All he really deserves credit for is being a great deceiver. And the father of lies. And one of those lies is that he is responsible for all our discomfort. He doesn’t care what kind of press he gets, as long as he gets it.

And this is all he’s getting from me today: He ain’t nothin’.

I counter the negative thoughts with this truth:
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17

If it’s good, it’s God. If it’s not good…it originated with Adam’s disobedience and is either a product of that, or a result of a careless decision on my part.

Here’s what I know: I am a Kingdom dweller. The enemy does not live in my Kingdom. Move in here, and he stands on the outside with his tongue hanging out wishing he were one of US.

Come on guys, stop feeding his ego….Instead of “blaming” the enemy, or resigning to “it must be God’s will”….Start finding out what God’s will really is (look up the promises in the Bible), and make the devil a bad memory.

How many times a day do you examine what is on the bottom of your shoes? When you walk down the street do you think about what is under your feet? Well, he (enemy) deserves no more thought than the dust that gathers on the bottom of my flip-flops. He is under our feet (look it up). He is so far beneath a Kingdom dweller that he doesn’t even know what color the soles of my shoes are (no, that’s not in the Bible – just putting him in his place).

Death, sickness, bad stuff….Not God’s fault…not God’s intention and not within the devil’s power in a believer’s life.

Take charge of your life. Put him in the trash where he belongs. Put God on the throne where HE belongs….and begin to thrive….Amen.


  1. I am not under your feet or anyone else's feet! -Satan

    1. dear one posing as Satan: yes, he is. This is a fact not a boast. :)

    2. Facts must be proven. I'm walking around just fine, no foot prints on me anywhere...

    3. Dear one posing as Satan: That is because you are an imposter. This truth was established before you were born and Satan knows that it is true. He does not argue these truths, he simply tries to twist and mask their meaning.

    4. You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own set of facts, come on now... I'm here and I'm arguing it.

    5. A man or woman with experience is never at the mercy of one with an opinion. I don't know who you are- though I have my suspicions- but I know who you aren't. The one you purport yourself to be would not be having this conversation. As I said before, Satan will not argue truth - he will just try to disguise it's meaning. Praying that you find Truth my friend.

  2. Did they not teach you in Sunday School that I come in many forms? Using the internet is not beyond me...

    1. Hmmm...well, since you have never disclosed your true identity, I cannot not answer this about YOU. I can however, answer this about Satan. Absolutely he uses the internet, and absolutely he appears in many forms. But absolutely he is who he is (regardless of how he "appears") And absolutely he knows the words in this blog are true and it infuriates him because he is powerless to change the facts or his destiny. He is totally aware of my power over him, thus he uses people like yourself to try to refute the truth - hoping some might believe the lie. :)

    2. You have no power over me. What infuriates me is people saying they do! This is something you tell yourself to make everything seem like it's ok in the world and in your own life.

    3. Since I do not know you, I obviously have no power over you, nor do I wish to have power over you. However, that does not change the fact that I, and every other child of God do(es)have absolute authority over Satan. I can no more prove that power to you then you can prove your claimed identity to me. However rest assured that the real Satan knows what I say is true. :) I do not base this truth on simply something I tell myself. I Base this truth on what God says is true.

    4. I know which quote you refer to in this book you call the bible, the one where you are given the authority to crush me under your feet, Luke 10:19, and again in Romans 16:20 - but remember, everything in this life is open to interpretation, including the word of your God... I am the here and now. I am the way, the truth and the life here on earth. Let us focus on reality and in doing so, pay not so much attention to a book that was written by many different people thousands of years ago, and passed down through generations. Such things are subject to Chinese Whispers insofar as one person says a message to someone, that person repeats it to another, that person then makes a few errors passing it on, and by the time we arrive at the end of the line, we end up with a different message altogether, quite possibly NOT the true and original word of God.

    5. Feeble attempt at a borrowed, ineffective arguement against the scriptures. I wasn't regering to any exact scriptures in my blog, but the complete teaching of the Kingdom of God and those who dwell there. Your attempts to debate or disprove hold no water to one who personally knows the One who inspired the writers of the scriptures. Again, I have experience not opinion. I'm praying that Father helps you find your true identity so that you no longer have to borrow that of Satan. :)

    6. Give up on prayer, it does not work. The line is always engaged...

    7. You speak from opinion, I speak from experience. Prayer does work

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. P. S. You may just be giving me fodder for another blog post entitled "Conversations With an Imposter." In it I would explain exactly why the real Satan would never present the argument you are trying to make

    1. Go right ahead. The more time you spend doing that, the less time you have doing the work of your "saviour" , and that can only benefit me.

    2. Interestingly enough, if I undertake this it will be at His direction. Part of my work for Him is through writing. But you already know that or we would not be having this conversation. P.S. One not ashamed of his or her opinion has no need to remain anonymous.

    3. I have already introduced myself, it is you who choose not to accept it.

    4. for your own sake, I sincerely hope you are not that delusional. Either way it appears our conversation is over.
