Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I just read an article in Solar Crash (e-zine/blog) entitled, "What if Christians Were Human.".....hmmmm...

The title caught my eye the author's first line was, "What if we identified ourselves as human beings before all other affiliations?"
Sounded good, and so I read on.....

The gist of the article was that we shouldn't label people - and this is true. However, as I read to the end, this last statement jumped out at me: "What would our world look like if Christians were more human?"  and then my spirit shouted:

 NO!!! This is what is wrong with Christians today!!!!

I know the author of the article meant well, but having the "all too human" mindset is something that can hold us back from being all that the Love of our Life,  (God) intended for us to be. Consider this:

Man is triune, 1/3 spirit, 1/3 soul and 1/3 body. Looking at this equation it's easy to conclude that we are 2/3 spiritual beings and only 1/3 physical beings. Yet, where is our focus? If we have a headache, do we even consider that it might stem from something other than the physical? Do we spend more time (ladies) putting make-up on this physical house than we do making sure our spirit's needs are met each morning? Which comes first to us?

Jesus viewed physical death as simply, sleep. Why? Because He was spiritually minded. His mind was more on where He had COME FROM, than where His physical body actually was at the moment. We, on the other hand, think the opposite. Our physical needs are the most prominent in our minds. 

We know that we are not simply physical beings with a spirit. We are spiritual beings with a physical body. We KNOW this in our minds but we have yet to produce (much) evidence in our lives (I speak to myself).

Many scriptures come to mind when I think of this concept, and this is only one passage: "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints."(Ephesians 1:17-18).

Paul was praying that the saints at Ephesus would grab hold of this knowledge....the knowledge of WHO they were in Christ, and the power that lay at their fingertips....and I pray this for myself, and for you also.

What if Christians were human? I challenge each of us to live as if Christians were spiritual.

Just a thought......

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